
the car junkie daily magazine.


Drag Strip Action From The Mega Mopar Action Show At Maple Grove Raceway – Hemis, Wedges, More

Drag Strip Action From The Mega Mopar Action Show At Maple Grove Raceway – Hemis, Wedges, More

(PHOTOS BY JOE GRIPPO) – Yesterday we took you to the rolling green pits of Maple Grove Raceway to show you some of the cool Mopars that were in the show portion of the Mega Mopar Action event. Today we’re taking you to the strip where the Chrysler power was on full display in just about every configuration you would imagine. From late model screamers with small turbo engines to the thundering NHRA legal super stock hemi cars, there was something for fans of Mopar performance across the generations. We tend to favor the large iron of yesteryear and so does Joe so that’s what the majority of photos are focused on here.

So rather than blab on about Chrysler’s incredible history and impact on the world of drag racing, we’ll just direct your attention to the link below and encourage you to click to so that you can experience Joe’s handiwork. We had theories that his camera actually would not allow him to aim it at anything other than Fords but this collection of photos totally proves that wrong!

mega mopar action047

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