(Photos by Charles Wickam) – We’re back with more Lonestar Round Up photos from Charles Wickam. This time we’re looking at the second visit he and Scott Brown made to the Top Notch Burgers cruise/hangout spot. This place is a 100% legit drive-in style burger spot in the Austin area and it draws cars almost every night of the event, which is like a week long when you include how many people show up for all the shop tours, concerts, and other frivolity that happens around the actual show.
Like the first gallery we showed you from Top Notch Burgers, the place was crammed with cool cars of all shapes and sizes. Not all of them are “hot rods” per se but they’re all neat cars and maybe that is why we love galleries like this because they typify what the gearhead experience should always be, which is about people who love cars just getting together to show off their junk, no matter the make or model. Check out Charles Wickam’s photos below, you’ll dig ’em!