
the car junkie daily magazine.


Show Gallery: 2012 Len Sammons Motorsports Expo

Show Gallery: 2012 Len Sammons Motorsports  Expo

(Photos by Joe Grippo) – Len Sammon’s Annual Northeast Motorsports Ice-Breaker is a boon to the motorsports community in PA. The middle of winter is a good time for racers to start getting ready for upcoming racing season in the Northeast and what better way than an indoor Motorsport Expo. There are race tracks, racing parts vendors, racing series and race teams came out in droves to support the expo and get the word out about their wares and junk. You’ll see vintage racers, dirt modifieds, outlaws, karts, stock cars, road racers, sprinters, asphalt modifieds and a strong contingent of drag racers once again filled the hall to capacity.

Joe did a killer job with this gallery and he got shots of virtually every type of race car known to mankind. There are some awfully bitchin’ old sprint cars and modifieds in this gallery. You will dig for sure!


vintage modified

vintage modified


Evil hot rod

Evil hot rod


mud rail

mud rail

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1 thoughts on “Show Gallery: 2012 Len Sammons Motorsports Expo

  1. john

    other the old roundy,round cars this show was a total waste only five or so venders that you could buy stuff from to use in racing lots of memirbile stuff but not a race show any more

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