The forgotten sister in the race to the first supersonic car is up for sale. Thrust SSC, the creation helmed by Brit Richard Noble and driven by Andy Green claimed the title and the glory, while the lone serious challenger, Craig Breedlove’s Spirit of America – Sonic Arrow faded into the shadows of history. When the money dried up, Breedlove sold the car to Steve Fossett the adventure seeking gazillionaire.
Fossett passed away in a place crash back in 2007 and when he passed, the upgrades and improvements being made to Spirit stopped shortly after. Fossett’s team spent a lot of time analyzing the basic design of the craft and seeking ways to shoehorn more power into it while also improving the aero.
The vehicle reached 675mph with Breedlove at the helm, suffering damage that not only crippled the car, but also crippled the already teetering American effort. The Thrust SSC effort was an amazing juggernaut that was awash in both cash and national pride. Those boys had all of Britain behind them. Breedlove and his band of henchmen had fought, scraped, sold, and worked themselves to the verge of exhaustion on their project and they had done it all in relative anonymity, despite their best efforts.
Now the price for the car and the entire supply of support vehicles and equipment are on the block for $3,000,000. Does it have the stones and shape to make 900mph? Who knows, but the fact that Noble and crew and planning on breaking the 1,000mph barrier means that this machine may once again be trumped by the same guys who stole its thunder the first time through.
Source — — Fossett/Breedlove LSR Effort for sale