If this story from the Detroit News doesn’t force you to lock your office door and hit the local watering hole, your poolside cabana, or the bottle of Jagermeister in your lower desk drawer you either don’t have a heart or you’ve sworn off the hooch for good.
This is a story about the closure of a Hamtramck, Michigan American Axle manufacturing plant and it is definitely not the feel good story of the Spring. It paints a very stark picture not only of the economic shape that the area is in but the sorry shape the UAW seems to be in as well. The president of the Local chapter is a central figure in the story and he’s not exactly protrayed as a Norman Rockwell painting.
We can only hope that these companies find their mojo and get something positive happening in a hurry because if not, the uncertain future for towns like Hamtramck will be sealed, and it ain’t with a kiss.
Put two cubes in your glass, fill it to the brim and click here (after taking a shot).