Reportedly, Dwight Eisenhower had a pair of notes written on D-Day. These notes signified the statement he would have sent to the president when he got a handle on just how successful his operations to land an entire fighting force in France was. One of the notes proclaimed the mission a success and an extremely valuable one. The other one was to be delivered if the mission was a failure. D-Day was an incredible feat just to get moving as it represented the largest mechanized delivery of a fighting force ever. From the soldiers running from the front of Higgins boats to the guys floating ashore in amphibious tanks, it had to have been incredible sight, unless you were a German soldier stationed there. . In its’s beginning stages the landing was akin to a turkey shoot for the German machine gunners who had the high ground and pillboxes to shoot from.
Despite the tide running red with the blood of dead and wounded soldiers, the good guys fought their way up the hill and into the pill boxes. Then many hours later the shooting stopped as the last of the Germans surrendered, allowing the allies the tiny toehold they needed to begin the push toward Berlin. It was one of the biggest gambles in military history and it paid off in large part to the dedication and general discipline of the fighting men (from several allied countries) to get the job done.
The speech you will hear below was delivered on June 6th 1944 by Dwight Eisenhower to inspire confidence and rally the men who would be trying to do the seemingly impossible and land the strongest blow yet against the evil advances of Adolf Hitler.
It’s sad that many Americans have forgotten the sacrifices these men and woman made to defend our democracy. As in WWII, we oppose tyranny on foreign “shores” so we don’t have to fight them on ours. Gas, food and other costs rise because the laws of supply and demand are iron clad in an capitalist economy like ours. We would regret anything else. Philip K. Dick’s ” Man in the High Castle” would be a great read.
Definitely a fascinating time, we’ll never see another invasion like that. If you ever have the chance to visit the Eisenhower Presidential Museum in Abilene, KS it’s well worth spending a few hours exploring.