We revel in a good “man bites dog” news story around here. You know, the ones that have some odd twist that makes the story seem like something from a movie or bad novel. They don’t come any more odd than this one. A 28-year old Maryland man was involved in a single-car crash. When police arrived on the scene, the man somehow managed to steal a police cruiser, which he crashed minutes later, killing himself in the process. Go ahead and read it again slowly if you need to, we’ll wait.
According to a Washington Post story, Kenneth Taylor wrecked his 2006 Dodge Charger at 2:30 in the morning on Sunday, January 31. Police arrived at the scene and found Taylor there. The officers assumed that he was the driver of the crashed car. As they went to see if anyone else was in the wreck, Taylor beat feet in their squad car and drove it headlong into a tree about a mile from the original accident scene. No one has any idea what Taylor’s malfunction was. The police were not chasing him (remember they had no car) and there was no immediate reason known as to why Taylor would have felt the need to flee.
It almost sounds like the man was intent on doing himself in, and after his initial attempt failed, he went all out in an attempt to make sure he got the desired result.
There’s no way of knowing whether the guy was drunk or on drugs as the cops on the scene never even had time to interview the guy before he decided to exit stage left.
Source — WashingtonPost.com — Maryland man killed fleeing crash scene in police car