According to an AP story, NASCAR made a pre-season trip to all of their teams and told them that criticism of NASCAR, the management, the cars, the temperature of the soft drinks served at the track, the angle of the sun, and the current temperature was verboten and any violations would be met with fines and possible disciplinary action. Knight Rider had the Turbo Boost button and NASCAR punched the Turbo Suck button with the emergence of this news.
The attendance at NASCAR events has been in a nosedive this season. The series is going to see overall numbers that are on par or even shorter than numbers they were seeing 10 years ago before the “explosion” in their popularity. Last weekend’s race, the prestigious Brickyard 400 was embarrassingly under-attended and late season pre-race ticket sales are reportedly in the tank as well.
The Associated Press is reporting that before the 2010 NASCAR season, Brian France made a whirlwind tour to the shops of all NASCAR’s regular teams and told them that “public criticism of the sport would no longer be tolerated”.
Take a second and let that soak in.
The basic reason that NASCAR blew the freaking doors off of drag racing in the popularity department was because they made the drivers the stars of the sport, not the cars. By doing that and cultivating their personalities and personal quirks into the equation, the sport blew the hell up. It knocked all other “major” US racing series right off the freaking map. Now the direction is to squash any semblance of personality out of the drivers and teams. It is astounding that the largest racing organization in America thinks that their drivers (which are their MOST CRUCIAL asset) are too dumb to speak for themselves and that the US populous is too stupid to discern for themselves the comments of a pissed off driver from the gospel truth.
Ironically we received a book to review from a publishing company recently. That review will be coming next week. The title of the book is NASCAR: Then and Now. For us, it boils down really simple. Then it was cool. Now it sucks.
Hit the link below to read how NASCAR is not only wrecking the mechanical side of their series but also the personal side.
Source — The Associated Press — NASCAR Protects Brand