England’s Ilmore Engineering has long made their bones developing engines for Indy cars, Formula One teams, and other really high end racing applications. The company also does awesome work on prototype and concept engines. Recently, they unveiled a truly wild 700cc three cylinder engine that uses a five stroke design. The goal was to try and take a gasoline engine into the efficiency realm of modern diesels while keeping NOx emissions lower.
The engine measures out to 700cc, uses a very small turbo, makes 130hp and 122 lb/ft of torque. While the numbers are not huge, looking at them relative to the size of the mill brings them into better perspective. This little sucker is making 150hp per liter and that’s pretty awesome! Fuel efficiency was roughly 10% better than a conventional four stroke gasoline engine of the same size. The motor uses a compression ratio in the neighborhood of 14.5:1 so there’s some serious squeeze in play here! The efficiency numbers may be slightly skewed, unless the electric water and oil pumps were not factored in the equation. Due to the fact that virtually no production vehicles use electric water and oil pumps at this point, the comparison isn’t exactly a fair fight. That being said, those two devices alone would not cause an engine to be 10% more efficient, but they certainly wouldn’t hurt the effort either.
We could rant on about this neat piece, but we recommend you hit the link to learn the gory details about the construction and operation of this engine. This seems like bleeding edge stuff when it comes to internal combustion. So much seems to be focused on fuel delivery these days as opposed to the actual combustion process itself. This engine tests conventional design paradigms, and that’s pretty cool!
The engine saw the light of day back in 2009 but Ilmore has been refining and changing stuff since then. This latest version is the most efficient yet!