Have you ever stumbled upon a website that’s so weird it simply drags you in? That’s what happened to us when we found HouseTrucks.com. How the hell did we come to find HouseTrucks.com? You’re guess is as good as ours. Anyway, do NOT call a house truck a motor home, unless of course your motor home is made of wood and the studs are set at 16 inches on center. This is like vanning on ‘roids or something.
From our exhaustive research we can say that the house truck was created in New Zealand and pretty much exists only there now. Not surprisingly, most of these machines were created by hippies or gypsies who roamed the countryside performing or selling crafts and trinkets.
While our opinion of hippies is in-line with Eric Cartman’s, we have a strange fondness for these trucks and the work that went into building them. There’s an awesome set of photos documenting the build of a house truck under the “Building a house on a truck” link.
Click the link below if you dare. We promise you won’t end up smelling like a hippie.
Info on the history of House trucks from Wikipedia
Click here to see HouseTrucks.com!