So many times we lament whiny neighbors, draconian laws, and stupid local politics for blocking progress on new race track projects, but it seems that as many stories as we see about that stuff, we also see them about developers who bite off way more than they can chew. Such seems to be the case with the oft delayed Alabama Motorsports Park a 2,400 acre facility that will sport three tracks, if it ever gets built.
The project hit the headlines with a splash three years ago when there was going to be six race tracks on the property. Quickly the facility was scaled back to three tracks. By reading the story it sounds as though not one ounce of dirt has been moved on site.
Celebrity endorser Dale Earnhardt Jr. has pulled his name off the project. A primary backer has run into financial trouble and one of the towns where the track will be located has actually gone bankrupt.
The managing partner of the project is apparently still optimistic about the place being opened in 2011. We hope it does open, but we’d say that construction would have to be moving right quick to get a 7/10 mile oval track, couple mile road course, and nearly one mile karting course up and running.