
the car junkie daily magazine.


How To Build A Channeled Hot Rod: The Working Man’s Model A Sedan Part 14: Building A Windshield Header And Rolling It Outside For Its First Time!

How To Build A Channeled Hot Rod: The Working Man’s Model A Sedan Part 14: Building A Windshield Header And Rolling It Outside For Its First Time!

Well, the Model A hot rod just keeps coming along, and while we know this thing is rough and was supposed to just become a roller, it sure is turning into something cooler than we expected. What’s funny is how the entire mood of this build has changed and how much fun it is turning into. Yes, this Model A body is so rough that many folks would never build it, but we think it is the perfect car for someone who hasn’t built anything before because they won’t feel horrible if they screw up and make a mistake.

And because I like the patina look, I think building something like this could be fun. Check it out and let us know what you think and if you missed the previous videos in the series you can use the link below to see them all too.


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