
the car junkie daily magazine.


Ridetech Street Challenge Kit: So easy a girl can do it! Check out the install here.

Ridetech Street Challenge Kit: So easy a girl can do it! Check out the install here.

Now ladies, don’t get mad at us, at least we didn’t say “So easy a chick can do it!” We’re really impressed with Michelle Harvey and here Camaro install that is up on the Ridetech Facebook page. We’d be impressed if a guy was doing it, but we are sure that Michelle smells better than any of you dudes, and will have a killer handling Camaro when she’s all done. We’ve said forever that a couple “guys” could install a Street Challenge kit over a weekend while eating pizza and drinking beer, so Michelle is just showing that we weren’t lying. Hell she asked here boyfriend and brother to help just so she could show them up. You can check out the full story on Ridetech’s facebook page, and tell them that you saw it here at BangShift.com.

Michelle Harvey Installs a Street Challenge Kit

Fellow hot-rodder Michelle Harvey has been posting updates on our
Facebook page like a woman possessed! Accompanied by her boyfriend,
brother, and the family dog, she is installing one of our Street
Challenge packages on her 1968 SS Camaro and documenting every step
along the way. This is just one of the latest happenings on our Facebook
page; we encourage customers to post their projects and ideas, and
we’re never disappointed! We love this kind of feedback and want to
invite all of you to join us on Facebook to share or discuss your thoughts on our company and products.

If you’re interested in more of Michelle’s install or would like to join our page, stop by facebook.com/ridetech.
Michelle is also working on an install video for us that will be
available later this spring. She’s doing a fantastic job and we can’t
wait to see the end result!

Some updates from the pageSee the Suspension Package Michelle is using


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