
the car junkie daily magazine.


RacingJunk Find: Ruby “Speedway” In South Carolina Is For Sale – The Most Rustically Awesome Dirt Track In America

RacingJunk Find: Ruby “Speedway” In South Carolina Is For Sale – The Most Rustically Awesome Dirt Track In America

No, the lead photo isn’t of a sandy road in the woods. That’s the track at Ruby Speedway in Ruby, South Carolina and you can buy the joint for $87,500 today! We were so intrigued when we saw the singular photo on the RacingJunk ad that we scoured the internet for information about the pretty mysterious little circle carved out of some wooded land outside of Ruby. As it turns out, our snooping was rewarded with a little information about a completely “unofficial” race track built for local guys to come out and have fun on Sunday afternoons. There’s actually a second dead dirt track in Ruby as well. That second track was a much larger affair and was built for weekly operation like most for-profit tracks across the country.

Supposedly a guy named Dave Atkinson built the course that is for sale on RacingJunk and we think it would be all time to own what amounts to a private playground that you could race junkers at on the weekends or just go horse around on whenever you wanted to. The RacingJunk ad is pretty straight forward and to the point. We dig the fact that the place is described as being “very unique”. Here’s the text of the ad –

ATTENTION RACE ENTHUSIASTS!This property is very unique. One third mile dirt track located in ruby SC. Concession building, his/her restrooms, steel frame garage with 16 foot ceiling measuring 40X50 with cement floor offering 4,000 square feet of work space. Owner willing to include air compressor. Additional cement slab for parking cars or trailers. Property also includes mobile home, stocked pond and 7 acres.

Here’s a satellite photo of the joint we found by looking around the Ruby area on GoogleMaps –

Picture 8


From that image you can actually see a car ON the track! You can also make out the pond, the road grader used to groom the place, and we’re pretty sure the buildings mentioned in the ad are located on the bottom right corner of the property. We have no idea when it “opened” or if anyone has been running around it lately. We we do know is that this is the most pure racing facility we have ever seen. No timing system, no seats, no lights, no walls, nothing. Just a course that two (or more) machines could be placed on and raced against each other. We want this place bad. Hell, if there is wireless internet access and we can slap a tent up on the property, that would be good enough for Chad and I to get by. Our better halves wouldn’t be into that jam, though. Pond fresh fish!

Here’s another couple looks at the track from ground level –

Picture 10


Picture 9


The length of the track is 1/3 of a mile as claimed by the seller, which is perfect for racing beaters and other low powered stuff around. That way you could keep the speeds down and even if you ended up in the woods….ok WHEN you ended up in the woods, it wouldn’t be a total catastrophe. Man, this place is cool as all get out! Got $87k burning a hole in your pocket? Make it yours! 7-acres is plenty of space to jam a house up somewhere on the property. You’d have a race track, your own swimmin’ hole, and a place to blow off steam with your buddies whenever you want. If you do buy it, invite us down!


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3 thoughts on “RacingJunk Find: Ruby “Speedway” In South Carolina Is For Sale – The Most Rustically Awesome Dirt Track In America

  1. Don Stone

    Wow, 87 G’s is cheap! ALthough I don’t have it. What a cool piece of property to own. 7 acres to boot. A blast could be had by a bunch of people at a place like that.

  2. Edward Chesher

    “steel frame garage with 16 foot ceiling measuring 40X50 with cement floor offering 4,000 square feet of work space.”

    40×50=4,000 square feet? How’s that work?

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