A wise man once said, “There’s a fine line between hobby and mental illness.” This dude is walking it.
You may or may not remember the cult 1980s teen comedy hit, Better off Dead. It starred a young John Cusack as a high school kid whose life was not exactly going to plan.
One of the central characters in the movie is a derelict 1967 Camaro that is sitting under a tarp at the end of his driveway. Spoiler alert: His hot chick neighbor starts to work on it without his knowledge and by the end of the film the car is restored and laying patch all over town.
Enter “Jeff,” the guy who has a website dedicated to the car that he spent a lot of time and money tracking down. The website gives lots of details on the movie, the restoration of the car, and the long and involved (creepy?) process of hunting it down.
This guy truly loves this car. Click here to see BetterOffDeadCamaro.com, our Site of the Week.