We recently shared video from AC Designs Garage where he shot the bed of a C10 Chevy pickup with Rustoleum Flat Black out of a Turbo can and then put a 2K clear over the top of it to see how the gloss looks, whether it works at all, and ultimately to see if it will stand up to the weather and normal conditions. It was really impressive when the clear went on, because it glossed right up like a normal gloss paint. I guess that makes sense, since the color coat on a normal two stage paint is dull prior to the clear being applied. But since this paint is a single stage that you normally don’t clear coast, I wasn’t sure how it would all work out. But it looked good when shot, so how does it actually look after two months? Is it holding up? Or is it crap? Watch the video below to find out!
If you missed that first video with the paint and clear being applied, then CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW THE TURBO CAN FLAT LAID DOWN AND LOOKED UNDER CLEAR.
Video Description:
2 Months later, how did the Rustoleum flat black turbo hold up. Did it fade or peel up, in this weeks video we go over the paint on the bedside of the 72 c10. This paint has been in the elements, rain, sun, snow and dust for 2 months. Well check back in a few more months to document the durability of the paint job!! Hope you guys enjoyed this video, Please like share and subscribe.