
the car junkie daily magazine.


How Many Ways Can You Weld Box Tube Corners? The Answer Is A Lot, And Here Are 4 Cool Ones

How Many Ways Can You Weld Box Tube Corners? The Answer Is A Lot, And Here Are 4 Cool Ones

Sometimes I see videos of guys making rounded or capped, or other corners in box tubing on videos you’ll see on youtube. Most of the time these videos have little or no instruction, or are in some other language and have a guy welding them with a stick welder. Well Matt at Urchfab has clearly seen a bunch of those too, because he’s decided to put together this video showing 4 interesting corners you can make with box tubing. Luckily, Matt knows how to explain this stuff and if you want to know how to do these you’ll be able to once you watch what he’s done.

Now I’ll be honest, I’m not one for some of these corners because they seem like more work than a miter cut. But some of them, like the curved 90, are cool looking and could have their place in something decorative. If I was making a 90 degree joint however, with a hard corner, I’m pretty sure I’d just cut two pieces at a 45 and do it the good old fashioned way. With that said, I’ll be trying some of these out in the shop just for the fun of it for sure.

See what you think and tell us how your own attempts go too!

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