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It Came From the Forums: Holley Carb Rebuild

It Came From the Forums: Holley Carb Rebuild

The BangShift.com forums are ripe with all kinds of good technical info. Forum member milner351 recently tackled the rebuild of a Holley double pumper carb and did so with great photos and blow-by-blow instructions. Some of our other members interjected with great info as well. If you have never rebuilt a carb before, this is a great read.

This shows that anyone with some mechanical aptitude, a set of basic hand tools, and a rebuilt kit can rebuild a carb on the cheap. There are certainly untold levels of tricks and tweaks to improve performance, but for a solid take on a basic rebuild of a Holley double pumper, this is the place to go. Don’t fear your carb, know your carb!




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1 thoughts on “It Came From the Forums: Holley Carb Rebuild

  1. John

    “this is the place to go” link directs you back to the site – not the rebuild article – hope this can be fixed!

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