Having an overhead beam with a chain or electric hoist overhead can be amazingly useful in the shop. I’m not sure it is always the best replacement for a cherry picker, but I’d say 75% of the time or more it just might be. I’ve been wanting one for a while, and have even looked at the A Frame or gantry cranes from Harbor Freight a few times. As we get our new shop building underway I keep thinking about things I want to have inside it that I don’t currently have in the arsenal of tools and shop goodies, and a gantry crane or jib crane like this just might be one to add. In fact I’m pretty sure one of them is the perfect choice for the fab shop side of things since it can be used to lift bodies, cabs, chassis, and so much more. This really is a cool tool that I’m sure I’d find dozens of interesting uses for if I just had one in the shop.
In this series of videos, Jason from Fireball tools is showing just how to build one of your own. Because Jason is a certifiable bad ass, and everything he makes is insanely cool and functional, I’m sure this will be head and shoulders above anything commercially available now. In fact I’m sure it will have at least a half dozen things that go into building it that you never would have even though of.
Watch the video and we’ll show you.
Harbor “Fright” has a gantry crane for $740…w/coupons (?) More usable for most.
He has to ask to drive “our” car?!!! I’m hoping that’s staged. If not, turn in your man card cause she clearly has the balls in the relationship.
I worked in a heat exchanger shop (BIG heat exchangers) where we had 2 track cranes on 1 beam for the purpose of installing tube bundles into the exchanger shells or in some cases, pulling them out. It could be quite dramatic depending on the size, plus the fact that I’d managed to make it a 1 man job, which meant your right hand better know what your left hand is doing. Anyway, 1 of these would handle about any automotive job you’d care to undertake.
If I have to keep installing these iron FE intakes any longer, I am going to need one of these.