
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Parting (Missed) Shift: Blowing Past the Redline Is No Bueno

The Parting (Missed) Shift: Blowing Past the Redline Is No Bueno

The Parting Shift is normally a showcase of dexterity and skill with a manual transmission. Due to the date and the general theme of the day, it sure is not about skill or dexterity! In fact, it is about failure and swearing, because there is plenty of both in this video. 

The Miley Cyrus fan driving the Acura shown in the clip is making a movie to impress the world with his car and his ability to drive it. The first couple shifts are great but when going from third to fourth at full throttle, it is not a good idea to go from third to second. That’s just our take on it, but you’ll hear the paniced anguish in the voice of the driver as he blurts randowm swears out after wartching the tach corkscrew around!




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