Truckin’ Awesome: The Story Of WWII’s Red Ball Express – Listen To The History Of This Incredible Effort To Beat Hitler

Truckin’ Awesome: The Story Of WWII’s Red Ball Express – Listen To The History Of This Incredible Effort To Beat Hitler

In July of 1944 the Allies had a problem. Having landed successfully in France and established a beachhead, they had been stalled for weeks. Thankfully a fortuitous victory over the Germans opened up the line and Allied troops roared  across France, chasing the Nazis back to where they came from.

This presented another problem. With ports mangled, railroads destroyed, and all their stuff sitting on the beach war planners had to think fast to supply, feed, and fuel the armies fighting on the front lines. Their answer was one of the greatest single logistical feats in the history of war.

They created the Red Ball Express and supplied multiple armies with more than 6,000 trucks working 24-hours a day on a closed loop highway system. On this episode we tell the story of the Red Ball Express. How and why it was done, how it worked, how much stuff it managed to serve up, and why it was so key to the Allied successes in France during 1944. It is something that no other nation on Earth could have done at the time, but America did. This is an awesome story. Truckin’ awesome if we may say so ourselves.

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