I must admit that I shot this photo with the full intention of declaring these square-tube headers a full-on violation. Yet I admit to cold feet.
On the violation side of the scale is the fact that, well, these are square-tube headers. That means that the design is clearly for looks and not performance, especially since these things don’t even have collectors. They are also chrome, and chrome headers can be considered a Violation in some circumstances. In this case, the chrome adds to the argument that these are pure show and not go since the metal is not blued, indicating that whatever they were built for never actually ran.
But then I started to think about the car these might have actually been installed upon. It was probably a T-bucket, but what if it was some other, more grandiose ’60-style, Roth-esque show rod? In that case I might have to call them cool.
It seems that the Violation could be in the application.