Old Tech: This 1940 Video About WWII Piston Aircraft Engines Is Awesome – Internal Engine Tech, History, More!

Old Tech: This 1940 Video About WWII Piston Aircraft Engines Is Awesome – Internal Engine Tech, History, More!

Warning, you have to be a hardcore dork to love this. Warning, you have to love engines to love this. Warning, you will love it. This video is a study in the typical types of aircraft engines seen by WWII aircraft mechanics during the early parts of the war. What you will immediately notice is that there are a bunch of different styles spoke about. By the time the war was ending, things were far more standardized in terms of what was powering what and the styles of engines being used by the Army Air Force. At the outset there were so many different engines to work on, they all had their quirks.

This video is also cool in the fact that it’s about hardcore tech stuff. Oiling systems, piston rings, internal engine cutaways, and all the stuff that any geared would love to check out, especially when we’re using obsolete and old engines as the main subject matter.

We have never seen the insides of some of the things shown in the video and that is cool. Yes, it is a long one, but you can fast forward through to see the stuff you want to see. From inline engines to radials and even X engines, this thing touches all the bases and gets the mechanics that needed to keep the war birds flying up to speed.

Jump back nearly 80 years and check out the highest tech piston engines on planet Earth at that time. Horsepower, baby!

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