Must Watch Video: This Could Be The Greatest Tuff Truck Video Ever Made – Wild Beyond All Imagination

Must Watch Video: This Could Be The Greatest Tuff Truck Video Ever Made – Wild Beyond All Imagination

This is the Citizen Kane of tuff truck videos. A 2021 highlight reel that captures everything great about the wildest motorsport in the country. There are insane jumps, insane wrecks, a guy driving into a pond (you read that right), some truly spectacular driving, and lots of Newton’s Laws being proven true time and time again.

To us, Tuff Truck competitions far outweigh demolition derbies for raw entertainment. While it is a spectacle to see cars running into each other, it is another level to see regular Joes risk life and limb for some glory in front of a hometown crowd at a fair, an off road park, or wherever else this stuff happens. The investment is minimal, the modifications typically consist of pulling some glass out, chopping off the exhaust, and basically gluing the throttle to the floorboard.

It may be a cheap sport to buy into but if you don’t have good medical insurance to deal with the jacked up back, bleeding kidneys, and chipped teeth it could add up fast. The title of the video is “Just Send It” and frankly there is no greater collection of Tuff Truck sends that has ever been compiled. Oh, and all of this came from just last year!

We tip our cap to the daredevils, the lunatics, the wheelmen, and the factory engineers who built junk that can stand up to this…and clearly lots of stuff that cannot.

Press play below to see one of the most fun an brutal Tuff Truck videos ever made –

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