
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Guy Drove His RV Into A Pool A Few Miles From BS Eastern World HQ (W/Video!)

This Guy Drove His RV Into A Pool A Few Miles From BS Eastern World HQ (W/Video!)

Let’s set the scene. I had been wrenching on Project Buford T Justice all day. I was working up a pretty good sweat, I had not eaten in hours and then I smashed myself in the head with a wrench. Shortly thereafter, I heard what sounded like a helicopter hovering somewhere in the vicinity of where I was working at the Abington, MA based eastern HQ of BangShift. I wrote it off as the after effect of whacking myself hard enough with a 1/2″ drive ratchet in the face to draw blood. As it turns out, the helicopter was a news chopper and was taking footage of a scene that would make international news…literally.

It seems that a man in Brockton, Massachusetts (a neighboring town to mine) decided to fire up his 28-foot motorhome for a cruise. As he was backing it out of the driveway, he had some sort of “medical issue” and laid on the throttle while in reverse , rocketing the big truck down his driveway, through a hedge and directly into the pool of a neighbor’s home. Said neighbor reacted quickly and removed the driver from the motorhome as it was headed to Davy Jones’ Locker (presumably in the deep end of the in ground pool). Had the homeowner not been there, chances are the driver would have drown in the truck turned failed submarine.

The only part we’re sore about is not being there to see those two big wreckers go to work to lift this waterlogged, low occupancy, cruise ship, out of the pool. Those boys earned their pay yesterday.

Here’s video of scene that we heard but didn’t go and check out!

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