
the car junkie daily magazine.


Toyota Wins Cash for Clunkers Lottery, GM and Chrysler Flop

Toyota Wins Cash for Clunkers Lottery, GM and Chrysler Flop

We have been biased, slanted, and openly opposed to the Cash for Clunkers program for any number of reasons. Be they the ass-backwards environmental claims by program champions, or the totally bogus economic effect the program had, we’ve hated it from left to right and from top to bottom. Here’s another reason. Toyota made out the best in program-generated sales. Yeesh.

The Washington Post is reporting that of the top ten cars sold in the course of the program, three of them were Toyotas. General Motors and Chrysler had exactly zero entries in the top ten, which is pretty sad and points to the amount of work that needs to be done to restore those companies and brands. People weren’t buying them, even with a guarantee of $3,500 to $4,500 off the sale price!

The Post story also mentions that the final tally for the debacle was $2.9 billion. At least it was under (the second) budget.

Here’s a piece from The Mercury News citing Edmunds.com and the sharp decline in sales that the manufacturers will be see now that the Clunkers program is over.

Finally here’s a detail heavy story from Reuters spelling out how badly the Japanese and Korean manufactures whipped Detroit’s ass (aside from Ford) in this mess.

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