We tend to love 1970s car and truck ads around here for their campiness, not really their creativity. This ons bucks that trend because it is creative, campy, and actually awesome. You are going to watch an ad for the 1979 Jeep truck and the premise is that the truck is being put up against a WWII era Sherman tank in a variety of tests. These range from performance to handling, to ground clearance, and more. The announcer for the ad has the perfect 1970s voice and one of the best parts is his inflection at certain points kind of letting us know that they are in on the joke as well. The closing scene of the ad is one of those, “You better get it right the first time” type deals because as you’ll see, jacking that up would require a lot of work and time to fix!
We have no idea who the ad agency was for Jeep at this time but the ad is pretty modern in its tone and approach. This is the opposite of the Ford and Chevy ads where they would have guys dresses lab coats having the trucks do ridiculous tests in the middle of some mythical lab in the desert. This is fun, this is memorable, and this is what good advertising does. It tells a story and makes you remember it.