Selling a car on television should be an easy thing. Show the car in motion, give enough information to entice the customer to come in a check out the showroom, and hope your product is attractive enough that Joe Paycheck plops down his coin on some of your wares. Easy, right? Nope. You need to add a little something more. You need to hit that emotional element that will override basic rational thought. But how? Do you appeal to the most basic desires and bring the not-so-hidden message of sex into the fray? Do you bring in peer pressure by letting other, everyday folk talk for you? Do you go for the theater of it all and bring out animals, sports, or do you ride your own sense of history and hope that is enough? Selling a car on the small screen has been important as long as television has been affordable. Finding this cache of commercials from about 1970 (give or take) is a good throwback to some of the neat methods that manufacturers tried out back when potent power was the main goal. Remember any of these?