Twenty-nine horsepower is the maximum any Citroen 2CV-based vehicle ever had. Twenty-nine. That means that if you stick with power ratings, a 2CV can compare with the likes of an upper-end riding mower. How Citroen managed to produce the tiny little car for forty-two years is beyond my scope of understanding, but like just about any model of car out there, they have their fans. There are 24 Hour 2CV races, there were rally cars, and then there was this guy, who decided one day a few years back to launch his 2CV off of a dune at speed. It’s no surprise that the car flew off of the jump…with a curb weight of 1,300 pounds before driver, it should fly. We wonder about how long the run-up to the jump was (about a mile, right?) As for the landing…well, when the first line of the video description is “Driver survived the jump, no injuries!” you know what you’re dealing with.
The Citroen was taking part in a rally and according to the uploader, the car broke a wheel arm, bent the chassis, blew one tire, broke the suspension and “minor other things”. In the U.S., race car or not, that sucker would be totaled out, done, but eight hours of work and the 2CV was sitting on the pole for the next race in the series. You can chalk that up to excellent mechanics…from where we sit, divine intervention was involved.
A random thought: does the horn play “Allouette” instead of “Dixie”?