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The Entire Story Of The Very First Chevrolet Camaro – From Pilot Test Program, To Dragstrip Terror, To Restored, This Video Shows It All

The Entire Story Of The Very First Chevrolet Camaro – From Pilot Test Program, To Dragstrip Terror, To Restored, This Video Shows It All

There’s always “the first”, no matter what happens. In the case of a typical new model of automobile, the first is a beta, a test of sorts. You have to build one to set up how the rest will come together. Normally, this first car will see duty as a pilot car, a test mule, the picture car in advertising, and then…well, usually they don’t survive long past the testing phase. Usually they are tortured to death, sacrificed to the crash-test wall in the name of safety, or crushed before the lawyers can rip the corporation apart. The 1967 Chevrolet Camaro with the VIN number of 123377N100001, the very first Camaro built, has a much happier ending. The gold six-cylinder/3-speed car not only survived to escape General Motors’ ownership, but it lived it’s life as a street car, a drag car, and after a two-year restoration, it has come full circle, lovingly restored, with the entire history of the car mapped out from the moment it was commissioned to present day. This video showcases the full history behind N100001, and the journey it’s taken over it’s nearly fifty years of history!

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