
the car junkie daily magazine.


Hand Painted Hot Rod Truck Doors: Pinstriping, Lettering & Silver Leaf

Hand Painted Hot Rod Truck Doors: Pinstriping, Lettering & Silver Leaf

Hand lettering and pinstriping is a true art and the folks that do it well are really fun to watch. I’ve got a few friends who are incredibly talented, and have been lucky enough to watch them work on occasion. In this video below you’ll see a young lady named HotRod Jen lettering and striping a door on a hot rod Chevy pickup, The work is clean and cool and even includes turned silver leaf! But painting up a door logo is more than just putting paint on a brush, it’s also about the layout and design which has to be right before any of the painting begins, and you are going to see all of it in this video below.

From start to finish, this piece comes together and makes you want to have some custom stripe and lettering done on your own ride, or at least it does for me!

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2 thoughts on “Hand Painted Hot Rod Truck Doors: Pinstriping, Lettering & Silver Leaf

  1. Mike Brooks

    Jen does awesome work! We see her and her work every year at the Syracuse Nationals panel jam and charity auction

  2. drivindadsdodge

    my neighbor growing up was an actual Union Sign painter
    monday through friday he would do store fronts in the 60’s and also hand painted banners
    for beer money in warm weather he had a side business pin striping cars
    $25.00 to pull lines down both sides of your car and it took him about 15 minuets
    not un common to have 8 to 10 cars lined up on a saturday morning
    every kid in the neighborhoods bicycle had pin stripes

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