
the car junkie daily magazine.


Leap of Faith: Top Gear, WFO, 200 Feet Of Flight On A Dirt Bike!

Leap of Faith: Top Gear, WFO, 200 Feet Of Flight On A Dirt Bike!

The lead photo doesn’t do what you will see justice, so to better understand what you are seeing here, think about the legendary Buick LeSabre jump footage that still doesn’t have a well-known story behind it. You know the one we’re talking about, on some backroad in who-knows-where. There’s nothing but some guy on a walkie-talkie clearing the path, then a 1980s LeSabre takes flight better than most light aircraft do before making about as good of a landing as can be expected. What went into that jump? We’re guessing youth, idiocy and a desire to get featured on Jackass. What should’ve been considered? Speed, weight of car, distance attempt, wind, rotation on two different axis, and other factors.

On a dirt bike, you can manipulate the axis problems fine enough with body weight transfer, but speed and distance? That’s dependent upon how brave you are feeling that day. On the day this was filmed, Danny Dunn had his big-boy pants on. The altitude looks low, but the distance that he flew is impressive. Don’t think so? Grab a friend and a camera and go film what “impressive” looks like to you. Just don’t bother sending us the bill when you turn a dirt bike into origami in metal, ok?

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3 thoughts on “Leap of Faith: Top Gear, WFO, 200 Feet Of Flight On A Dirt Bike!

  1. Thomas Jarnagin

    Very nice.
    Not to detract from his accomplishment, just check out Mini Warriors 2, Pastrana at 14 on a 125. 207 feet

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