Is it still 2020? Yep, it is. Masks, pandemics, lockdowns, restrictions and all. While many of us feel like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day” at this point in time, the positive is that there has never been a better time to get your pile together. Seriously, let some half-assed thing show up at SEMA next year, the skewering will be brutal. We’ve been wrenching on our stuff, you’ve been wrenching on your stuff, and Scotty has been very busy this year with what had been a very, very rotted Valiant wagon. If you can find a body panel that he hasn’t had to massage in some way, shape or form, good on ya, because from where we sit the only thing he hasn’t had to mess with is the grille. And we’re not 100% sure that this car had one. Maybe it did. Or maybe Scotty will have to make one himself. At the rate he’s going right now, he’ll be ready to tackle that project, since he’s been handling every other bit of sheetmetal fabrication that the A-body longroof has needed in order to return to the roads. This time around he’s mini-tubbing the Valiant’s rear wells. Part of it is necessary because the Valiant still needs metal filled in before the outer skins go on for the final time. The other reason? Eh, what the hell, might as well open up the rears for some fatter rolling stock, right?