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Morning Symphony: Get Your Good Earphones Out For This 3D Binaural Recording From Monza!

Morning Symphony: Get Your Good Earphones Out For This 3D Binaural Recording From Monza!

The title says everything you need to know: You will have to have earphones in to get the full effect of what you are about to hear, otherwise the purpose will be lost on you. YouTuber “19Bozzy92” makes killer videos and has mastered the art of capturing the car’s audio. We’ve featured a ton of his work so far, and that won’t stop anytime soon. But audio capture is a bit one-dimensional: You’ll only hear how the microphone “hears” the sound, which will only provide one method of hearing it. Binaural recordings need two microphones mounted in a similar setup to the human ear system to create a proper, three-dimensional sound, or in clearer English, sound as you would actually hear it if you were there in person.

Bozzy lives close enough to Monza that he’s able to pretty much hop a fence or two at will and hang around the track whenever cars are flying around at full tilt on the course, and in this case, he was there for a Dunlop-sponsored test session, which was to shake down new tire choices for WEC/ELMS sports car racers. No fans to add noise, just the quiet sounds of Monza being interrupted every few seconds by yet another angry race car. It’s glorious.

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