
the car junkie daily magazine.


Never Would’ve Suspected: The World’s Baddest Holden Cruze Burning Them Off At Summernats!

Never Would’ve Suspected: The World’s Baddest Holden Cruze Burning Them Off At Summernats!

Um…wait a minute. Yeah, just one second here. I know what my eyes just saw and what my ears just heard. But my brain is sending back a request for confirmation. You see, regardless of whether it says Chevrolet or Holden on the body, it’s a Cruze…one of GM’s more ambitious small-car programs, you’ll be hard-pressed to go anywhere in the world and not find a Cruze under one nameplate or another. GM put four billion dollars into developing a front-wheel-drive platform that could work the world over. The Cruze did well in crash studies. It’s a competent enough choice if you want a daily beater. And that’s about all that BangShift should care about a Cruze. They’re the rental car that we see at the counter, they are the cars we pass while we’re driving more interesting and much faster things.

So…what the hell, Australia? I’ve joked for years that to build a proper Aussie machine, you just add a blown V8 and off you go. Hellrazor Motorsports’ 2015 Holden Cruze is packing 408 cubic inches of “oh my god” in the engine bay where a tiny little four-popper once lived. It’s built to kill and it’s so radically off-kilter that you can’t help but love it…especially when you note the hashtag on the back window of the car. Since there will be tons of tire smoke getting in the way, here’s what it says: “#WAZHERS”

You don’t reckon that she’s too keen on the upgrades, now, do you?

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