Both Chad and I believe that paddle tires are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Seriously, the idea of essentially building a tire with shovels grafted to it for performance at the sand drags, mud bogs, and dunes is pure genius of the highest gearhead order. This video is simply reinforcing that fact. When you press play below you’ll see a great film by BustedKnuckleVideos (one of our favorite channels on YouTube BTW) that hits all the highlights of Ben Dozeman and his wild “Bad Company” Jeep attacking the Silver Lake Sand Dunes recently.
We’ve all seen the rear engine sand buggies pulling big wheelies, but this monster is a front motor creation that normally rains terror over the 300-foot sand drags. Power comes from a 427ci small block and a whole lot of supercharger. As we understand, stuff with open pipes is usually thrown right off the dunes at Silver Lake, but in this case a pass was given and Dozeman was let loose for a little while to see what the Jeep would do when no trying to win a sand drag race. What it did was defy gravity at will and without so much as breaking a sweat.
We want to drive this thing BADLY!
Press play below to see one bad ass Jeep getting after it on the dunes at Silver Lake, Michigan!
Shift, don’t lift!!!!!