The Fab Forums often run videos telling you about tools that you need. Most of the time we want whatever it is they are telling us to get, and this time it is Dimple Dies that they are telling us we need and I can’t argue with them. I have a press and dimple dies on my list of need to get parts for some of our projects and I know there are a jillion ways to use them besides all the ones in my head. The video below shows a few of them, so check it out and see why you too need a set of Dimple Dies.
I bought a set of the punch dies off ebay. They don’t do the fancy dimple.but punching a hole is a piece of cake. Go on Ebay ,in tools. Look up Greenlee Dies. I bought a whole set with shipping for $75.00. This type does not need a press. And they will pop a hole in 1/16″ plate. This is the shit for popping a hole for a gauge .The dies that dimple are a very cool look ,but I’m not that cool.
Interesting – where do you/I buy a set of those dimple dies for a couple of hundred.
Been looking for a set and haven’t seen any priced like that?
Any leads greatly appreciated.:)
Right now on Craigs list “Chicago” there is a complete Greenlee hydraulic die set. Looks like 9 different dies.Used but works fine he says $275.00.Thats a well over $1000.00 new.Not a dimple but handy as all get out ,and cheap.