
the car junkie daily magazine.


Quarantine Project Hour: Turn A Small Trailer Into An Engine Test Stand!

Quarantine Project Hour: Turn A Small Trailer Into An Engine Test Stand!

One of the biggest things that drove me nuts while rebuilding the 367ci small-block Chrysler for the Imperial was that I couldn’t run the engine until I dumped it into the car. That part drove me nuts, as it has with engine swaps I’ve been a part of in the past. Wouldn’t it make sense to run the engine and do the break-in before you proceed to slam it into the car? Just spitballing here, but if everything goes as planned, all you’d have to do between shutting it down after the break-in run and driving the car after everything is bolted up is an oil change to make sure everything meshed together well, and if something bad did happen, like a camshaft getting wiped out, wouldn’t it be nice to just fix it on the spot, without having to pull the engine again or worse, perform mechanic gymnastics around parts to do a cam and lifter swap? I’m certain I can hear third-gen Camaro folk nodding their heads at that one.

Now, how many of you have a small trailer nearby? Could be a car trailer, could be something that you haul scrap on, or maybe the lawn mower, or even something you use to make a run to the home improvement store when it’s time to get new mulch for the home gardens. Do you see a potential engine stand setup yet? If not, you might after checking out Dylan McCool’s recent experiment involving an unknown-quality 440 that was brought home. The engine seemed together, but after a quick check-over, the next logical step is to fire it off and see what’s what. There’s nothing here that couldn’t be replicated in the typical shop: ratchet straps, wood blocks, an old crappy tire, and everything needed to get a Chrysler big-block to fire off and run.

Note: we are not responsible if you piss off your significant other by using the mulch trailer as the engine test cell.

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1 thoughts on “Quarantine Project Hour: Turn A Small Trailer Into An Engine Test Stand!

  1. Scott Liggett

    I found a 428 FE for sale. Turns out it was an irrigation pump engine. I was able to get its run stand as well. Came in handy when breaking in a cam on a 390 I built later. Plan to use it again when I get the 428 built.

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