It’s fine to be nervous just before the launch of a race. In fact, that’s probably a good sign…you should be making sure that everything is in order before you drill the loud pedal for what it’s worth. Burnout? Check. Backed up? Check. Ready to go? Check…you hunch down into your seat, take a breath and start to prepare for when the starter’s hands go up, because the second they start to fall, all the smack-talk stops and in the matter of a few hundred feet this race will be sorted. Except, you forgot a step there in your haste, didn’t you, Junior? Holding onto that shifter just a little too tight? It’s that attention to detail that will bite you in the ass every time. Just because your Mustang has the power to be impressive doesn’t mean that you aren’t about to get a dump-truck load of hell for trying to launch your car on the street in reverse. We’d say that you should take it to the track, but in your case, Mustang Driver, we suggest taking it back to the DMV and trying out your driver’s test again. Remember: “R” does not stand for race, ready or really fast.
He’s been watching the wheelstanding video and is a big fan of The Backup Pickup…..
Reminds me of Back to the Future race.