One of the latest videos from the prolific Nelson Racing Engines shop is a near eight minute cut of dyno testing a legit ex-NASCAR engine that the shop converted over to EFI for a Bonneville team. It is awesome to watch the tach needle sweep nearly all the way aroud the gauge as Nelson or one of his guys pulls the handle on the dyno console.
Tom mentions that there is an Electromotive setup on the motor and proceeds to test it both with the former competition carb, and the relatively new EFI equipment. The EFI was worth an additional 27hp at peak ROM, which is past 9,000 bty a whole bunch.
Press play below to watch and listen on an eight-minute mechanical symphony!
Sounds better with the carb. Sound is important!
Pull the injectors out the intake and make another pull!
sure puts a dent in nascar’s “900 hp” claim. I knew I only wanted to buy their dyno-