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SEMA 2013 Video: Ethanol In Gasoline Is Eating Your Carb – We Tell You How, Why, And How To Stop It! This Is A REAL Problem!

SEMA 2013 Video: Ethanol In Gasoline Is Eating Your Carb – We Tell You How, Why, And How To Stop It! This Is A REAL Problem!

This may sound a little over the top, but bear with us. At this very second the gasoline sitting in the float bowls of your carb is slowly eating the very metal that is containing it. Don’t believe us? You just wait and see what those float bowls look like after a winter or sitting dormant full of E15 or E85 fuel. Just recently, my elderly neighbor was having issues with some of his lawn equipment failing to start and or run right. I took them into my workshop and it was about two second work to get the air cleaner off and look at a little carb that was all eaten up, full of junk, and equipped with jets and air bleeds that were all clogged with the material loosed up from the rest of the carb where the fuel was eating it. Ethanol blended fuels eating your carb is a real problem, not some drummed up concern designed by someone who wants to profit from it. To date, companies have started making anodized carbs to prevent this from happening, but that hasn’t been a perfect cure and there are millions of carbs on the road that are not anodized and those are the units primarily at risk. So what do you do? Are you totally boned and resigned to have a dissolving carb powering your car or truck? Hell no. The guys at Driven Racing Oil have come up with a product called Carb Defender that is designed to stop the destruction.

The interesting thing about Carb Defender is that the product does not treat the fuel. It does not treat the fuel because changing the chemistry of the fuel may have a negative effect on the way the engine runs. Instead Carb Defender treats the metal surfaces themselves and protects them from the ethanol degradation that they suffer on their own. Other products out there treat the fuel and frankly we don’t want anything messing with the formulation of the gas because if said product does something bad to the ethanol in the gas, the octane rating will drop and we all knows what comes next, the dreaded knocking.

Driven Racing Oil’ Carb Defender is a unique product that will save you LOTS of issues and headaches down the road. It is cheap, easy to use, and the only thing keeping your carb from dissolving in front of your eyes. So, do you have a hot rod sitting with a carb full of fuel right now? If you you need some of this product stat!

Purchase Carb Defender HERE 


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13 thoughts on “SEMA 2013 Video: Ethanol In Gasoline Is Eating Your Carb – We Tell You How, Why, And How To Stop It! This Is A REAL Problem!

  1. jack pine

    So, Lake Speed takes one look at Chad and thinks, “this is what has happened to my career.”

    And I am thinking to myself – “I am watching a video about a fuel treatment”… that is how bad today’s gas is, frankly. There are two carbs I have to rebuild in my ‘fleet’ …. these are vehicles that have had a life full of long ‘rests’ and only recently have they balked at it. Gas sucks nowdays. I am actually gonna buy this stuff.

    I have the same question as Marcus…. where can I get it?

    1. No Gibbs

      “So, Lake Speed takes one look at Chad and thinks, ‘this is what has happened to my career.'”

      As they say “if you no longer can cut the mustard, you can always lick the jar.”

  2. No Gibbs

    Maybe it’s a problem, but I’d never spend one American cent with that ‘Yoda-racing TRAITOR Joe Gibbs. Enemy collaborators like Gibbs are one of the main reasons NASCAR’s so over.

    Surely somebody makes similar fuel treatment but who hasn’t sold out to the predatory Japanese.

    It’s Veterans Day . . . Remember Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March, the Palawan Massacre, the Bangka Island Massacre, the Shinyo Maru Incident . . . . JUST SAY NO TO TRAITOR GIBBS! (Glad that weasel Kenseth’s going to lose the 2013 Cup)

  3. authorized user

    Our friends at Lucas also offer a nice product called SAFEGUARD, Ethanol Conditioner.
    It can be used in E10, E15, & E85.

    *****16 oz treats 80 gallons.***** ( 1 oz er 5 gallons)

    It is a must buy for all of your gas powered 2 or 4 stroke equipment.

  4. Rob

    Depressing thinking about it even more so when you/we see pictures of the damage that it does.

    Buy fuel is like a lottery you never really know how bad that full tank of fuel is going to make your car run.

    Recently filled up at $1.69 a litre (Aussie) – a couple of miles down the road the car is rattling (detonating).When I return to complain the guy gives me his best couldn’t give a fxxk look and can barely speak English.

    Other than performance issues its worrying what this shit does to our hobby type cars.

    As I syphon about $85.00 worth of – i’m not even going to call it fuel out my hotrod and use it as weed kill on my lawn edge my neighbour drives past in her electric car and toots the horn waving GRRRRRR.

    Makes you wonder where we are headed?

  5. Jim S

    If you have an airport nearby you can get aviation gas. That seems to work well in my small engines, and would probably work well in anything without a catalytic conv. I’ve used it and it’s good to run through prior to storage. It’s probably good to run all the time , but it’s a bit pricey for me.

    1. 2ndgenguy

      Our airport won’t sell you fuel without a pilot’s license anymore. Started that about 2 yrs ago.

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