The build program on this Triumph Spitfire has been rather interesting to watch, namely because of just how unorthodox everything about it is. The engine from a Yamaha RX1 was never designed for any kind of wheeled application, so to see it plopped into the Triumph just on it’s own, it a strange sight. But the boys at Grind Hard Plumbing Co. are now trying to make the engine live happily in the car. We’ve seen it run before, sure, and we’ve seen it drive, but in both instances the engine has not been that happy. One way or another, the engine is pissed-off. When the engine’s rev range finds a stopping point and tells you to go screw yourself, that’s not a good day. Or week. Or weeks.
For a while now, the Triumph has been a major pain in the ass for the Idaho alchemists. The engine runs, but it isn’t happy. They have been tuning the holy hell out of everything and can’t find the issue. They fight…and fight…and grind their teeth while they try to get this screamer of a project actually up and going. That is, if they don’t throw in the towel and start building a Ram Dually Power Wheels mini-puller first…