
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Is A Functioning, Remote-Controlled 18-wheel Liebherr Mobile Crane Made Out Of Legos. Guess What Just Hit Brian’s Christmas List?

This Is A Functioning, Remote-Controlled 18-wheel Liebherr Mobile Crane Made Out Of Legos. Guess What Just Hit Brian’s Christmas List?

Lohnes loves large-scale machinery like a fat kid loves cake, but he’s pretty much reached the limit of acceptability when it comes to owning the real deals with his wife. That isn’t a bad thing, but it does mean that he is never going to be dragging home a mobile crane, ever. (Right, boss?) But that’s why scale models are such big sellers: not only can you own what you want, you can bring it into your home and play with it! And the cash outlay is significantly smaller than what it would cost to actually purchase the real deal. For example, a Liebherr LTM 1750 costs enough that it falls into “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it” territory. But this scale model, built almost exclusively out of Legos by Dawid Szmandra, would fall into affordable territory. Since this is a one-off build by a very talented individual and not a Lego kit like some of the other stuff we’ve seen, we can’t quite put a price on what it would take to duplicate. We also don’t know if Dawid would be up to creating a second one, boxing it up and shipping it to BS HQ, complete with operating instructions. But I have a gut feeling that Lohnes just might try to find out if it’s possible…

(Courtesy lego.gizmodo.com)

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2 thoughts on “This Is A Functioning, Remote-Controlled 18-wheel Liebherr Mobile Crane Made Out Of Legos. Guess What Just Hit Brian’s Christmas List?

  1. Matt Cramer

    Not quite a one-off; I saw a second one in the background – although it may be a smaller model.

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