
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video Bonanza: Great 1980’s TV Car Stunts

Video Bonanza: Great 1980’s TV Car Stunts

There wasn’t a better time in world history to be a stunt man than the 1980’s. Long before the advent of computer effects and complex filming processes, stunt men made it happen. If you wanted a large 1960’s sedan to be wrecked in huge fashion, you hired a stunt man and pointed him in the direction of the stuff you wanted him to hit. He probably did a little cocaine and set right off to complete the job. Oh yes the 1980’s were special. 

Big budget (for the time) series like the A-Team, Dukes of Hazzard, CHiPS Patrol, and others provided lots of work and sadly lots of junked 1960’s iron. You’ll see all sorts of neato cars and truck totally destroyed in these clips, all in the name of good TV. Despite that, this is awesome stuff to watch. It is also awesome to think about the fact that there are real people doing all this wacky stuff! Back then you earned your Member’s Only jacket. They didn’t just give that shit away.

To the videos!

Here’s the A-Team van jumping HUGE…twice!


A kick ass Fall Guy montage

Here’s Fred Dreyer as Hunter, having a real bad day. Stick around until the end!

Finally….a huge compilation of wrecks!

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