Of all the wild stuff we have seen racers do to one another in the heat of the moment, this video of AMA Supercross rider Mike Alessi t-boning fellow competitor Broc Tickle on purpose at a recent is the topper. Stock car guys nerf each other and spin each other around, drag racers hang each other out to dry on the starting line, but Alessi went full on haywire against Tickle. Hey, we all laughed and maybe cheered a little when Tom Cruise’s character t-boned his rival during the movie Days of Thunder but that’s because it was a fantasy land movie, not real life where someone’s racing career could end immediately upon impact. Wait until you see this video and you see how far that Tickle flew through the air after being struck by Alessi. We’e not sure what the punishment will be for Alessi after the AMA gets hold of this video but we imagine it will be stiff. There doesn’t seem like a worse thing you could do during a race than the purposefully attempt to wreck out another guy on a motorcycle!
While we’re not huge Supercross fans or experts here we certainly respect the riders and what they subject themselves to during a race. It was several years ago that a study was done on professional athletes and it found that motocross racers use their bodies more and more severely during a race than any other type of athlete that they studied. These guys are like the hockey players of the motorized racing world. They get beaten to a pulp week after week and keep coming back for more…and that is when they aren’t trying to hurt each other on purpose.
We’re all for the intensity and personal rivalries that make racing great to watch, but anytime someone tries to wantonly harm someone that crosses the line into badville. There’s no place in any type of competition for stuff like you’re about to see.
Classic douche move……if you can’t outride them, TAKE’EM OUT??
Hope AMA nails him to the cross
Alessi is a asshole for doing that move, I hope the AMA bans this asshole.
he was fined 4000$… if you really want to trip read this http://motocross.transworld.net/1000150548/features/mike-alessi-and-mcr-fined-tony-and-jeff-alessi-banned-from-remaining-nationals/
That article was from last year, more about what his brother did. I haven’t heard of anything regarding Saturday nights incident.
Sorry, found another link on that site and yep $4000 fine and probation
Alessi always has been a f*#”ing chump, should have had to sit out a race or two.
Alessi has always been a chump,a crybaby,poor loser!! His Father was even worse,cussing out officials,other riders,to him EVERYONE else was at fault besides his son!! That was a CHEAP shot,the pass made on him was clean,no need for that crap!!!
I really assumed we were going to see red mist after the other guy did him wrong, but nope, poor loser and bad sportsman. Screw banning him from a few races, he should get a lifetime ban. If that had’ve gone the wrong way he could have seriously hurt or even killed him. It aint like cars where you’re gunna dent a panel….