With more and more turbochargers being bolted onto drag cars, street machines, hot rods, trucks, and in this case, old school import cars, there are going to be more and more videos like this hitting the internet airwaves. Here we see a second generation Toyota Supra with a Toyota 2JZ straight six swapped into it. The 2JZ has been equipped with a turbo and that hairdryer is pushing 25 PSI worth of boost through the engine.
The dyno pull begins and progresses without much trouble and then all of a sudden, BOOM. Parts and pieces of the housing start flying around the room and we even flinched when we saw it the first time. The explosion is shown in real time and then again in slow motion. Some of the pieces flying around could really have done a job on anyone that unexpectedly caught one with their face or other extremity. The biggest hunk flies right past the camera which appears to have been hand held, judging by the little wiggle and movement at the end. A foot to the left and it would have been lights out for the camera man.
Press play and watch the worst case scenario for any turbo user unfold…and be on your toes, especially if you are wearing 3D glasses!
Thankfully, nobody was hurt.
wow that has to be the coolest cameraman around, didn’t even flinch… one inch away from being an ER patient…. reminds of the photographer who held his camera steady when Lizzy Musi crashed… gotta get the shot! hah
Ya think it was a Chinese turbo?
Looks like a copy turbo! Any genuine turbo would be put through rigorous burst containment tests to ensure that didn’t happen!
Probably not a good idea to weld so much on those housings, particularly if you suck at welding aluminum.
People weld elbows on compressor housings all the damn time. That had nothing to do with the turbo grenading. This is my buddy’s car and I’ve seen all the welds on this car and they are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Aluminum included. He’s also done some stuff for me. And btw this is a TRUE GARRETT GT4088. Just because it’s a Garrett doesn’t make it bullet proof. So all of you internet hero’s can just tone it down with your unedicated guessing.
“Unedicated” Bwaahahaha!!
You seem a bit a bit defensive, did I hit a bit close to home?
Best welding you have ever seen? You need to get out more.
Yes, I have seen plenty of welded on elbows and flanges. Many in very high boost situations without failure. This is an obvious exception, must be a fluke 😉
I said “some” of the best welding. Not THE best. You don’t know the factors that went into the turbo failing like that. But next time this happens, because it happens all the time I’ll send the turbo to your chassis shop so you can weld it professionally. I don’t expect to get it back anytime soon because you’re more busy “trolling” the internet than working in your shop, clearly.
Awww, why you gotta be so mean?
Did you get grumpy picking up your expensive turbo parts off the ground?
Haha yea I saw that after I posted it. Knew the internet police would spot it. Uneducated**
Bet it was stick welded…
precision turbo internal i bet! weather you know it or not some people have been playing games the last year and ish has been blowing up. bet that was not 100% garret no matter what anyone says
Those compressor housings are designed to withstand a wheel burst, so I’m wondering whhat the wastegate setting was, seems the turbo was oversped.