We’re stupid late to the game with this news and video, but Andy Frost became the owner and driver of the world’s quickest street legal car a couple weeks back when he blasted off a 6.59 second 220mph lap at England’s Santa Pod Raceway. The twin turbocharged Red Victor 3, tuned by American Shane Tecklenburg and built by Frost at his shop in England is truly a wonder. The title, which previously resided with multi-time Hot Rod Drag Week champ Larry Larson has been passed back and forth over the years, although we’re thinking that it will live in Jolly Ol’ for quite a while unless someone really steps on it over here.
Like anything of this nature, debates will rage on. The bottom line is that Frost’s car is 100% street legal in England and frankly, isn’t all that different from Larson’s here with respect to the “big stuff”. It has lights and signals and does whatever an old car needs to do in England to be legal. Does it have as much steel as Larson’s car? We don’t think so, but that’s all part of the game. Congrats to Frost and his crew for building one rocket ship of a car and taking this amazing record back to England. Perhaps deep in the shadows of an old shop here in the ‘States, someone is crafting their own car to make a run at Frost. Intercontinental drag racing supremacy is on the line!
As we have said before, it is an incredible time to be a hot rodder. The fact that something with 2,000+hp can even exist running on gasoline is mind boggling to us. The fact that it can be harnessed and tame enough to idle and drive around on it even more mind boggling.
Hit the link below to see a great video of Andy Frost’s record breaking runs!
Tremendous three year build by “Frosty”.
one word…….AWESOME!
wonder what the DA was….
Not meaning any disrespect, cause those numbers are respectable in any all-out race car, but how much does Mr. Frost actually “drive” his car on the street? What I’d like to see is this car run drag week. Hit a few pot-holes…..run in the rain…you know, all the fun stuff. And it might do just fine. Still, I’d like to see it.
Only once or twice on the road as far as I am aware, just for camera.
Is there a rule saying to have to drive everyday on the street ?
I hope I’m not speaking out of turn here, but wanted to make a couple small corrections, and clarifications, as I understand the situation by following the RV3 build closely myself. Mr Frost did not simply build the car in his own shop as stated. The body shape was from the talents of Wayne Allman of the Intergalactic Custom Shop. The chassis and much of the other fabrication was done by Jon Webster of Webster Race Engineering. Andy did a great deal of the work, but just wanted to give some credit to the other major talents involved. A very detailed build thread, showing the amazing talents of the aforementioned gentlemen, and the incredible engineering and fabrication work done by everyone involved, can be found here: http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&t=845887&d=0&nmt=
To clarify the intent of the car, it was not designed to be a street car that could be driven every day, anywhere, and go absurdly fast. That is the Larry Larson model, and he’s set the bar very high with his car in that regard (Larry is the “street car”god). Red Victor 3 was designed to be a legal Pro Mod race car, that could also be driven on the street, ie. a street legal race car. So yes, it is the quickest and fastest “street legal car”, but it was never meant to compete in a Drag Week type of event, or be a daily driver. In my books both Larry and Andy have accomplished truly amazing things, but due to the different intentions, I don’t think it’s fair to make a comparison between them. And for anyone to dethrone either of their accomplishments, it will take serious, serious effort.
For all you disbelievers, a trip to the supermrket in the Victor is here
I’ll say no more
Well done Andy. With the cost of fuel and the state of the roads over here it would be sheer madness to use it on the road anymore than absolutely necessary (emergency shopping trips for trifle, etc.).
Am I seeing this right, record was made on slicks, not DOT tires (like Larson)?
Thats what I was thinking! Streel legal on slicks? hah yeah right.
Maybe it’s time to bury the “fastest street car” title.