
the car junkie daily magazine.


Watch Robby Gordon’s New Super Stadium Trucks Tearing Up and Flying Over the Dirt!

Watch Robby Gordon’s New Super Stadium Trucks Tearing Up and Flying Over the Dirt!

When we first heard about Robby Gordon’s plan to revive stadium truck racing and kick it up to a crazier level, we were a little skeptical. His “Super trucks” sounded great on paper and made a super first impression launching into the Olympic Stadium like Mickey Thompson’s trucks did so many years ago, but we didn’t know how much of that dramatic flair was filler/fluff and how much was reality. Well, with this newest video we’re thinking that it was mostly reality because the trucks are being tested and tested hard by some of off road racing’s biggest names.

In this short clip that runs about two minutes, you’ll see why we’re thinking that this is going to be some of the wildest racing ever. The trucks look to be  simplified versions of desert racing Trophy trucks. They have copious amounts of power, the ability to fly like V8 powered, four wheel drive airplanes, and they spend most of the time sideways trying to pull the left front tire of the ground. It is like someone woke up with the insane idea to combine a sprint car and a truck together and then let it loose with professional drivers.

We’re not heard of a schedule or organized events for this series yet, but damn, these trucks are bad to the bone!

Press play and watch some of the gnarliest trucks in the world get after it!

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5 thoughts on “Watch Robby Gordon’s New Super Stadium Trucks Tearing Up and Flying Over the Dirt!

  1. oldschool camaro

    looks just like the same 900 plus hp trucks either pro4 or pro 2 that TORC series of off-road racing uses and runs at glen helen ,suprise ariz ,firebird ,tulle utah

  2. Andamo

    Why is it they mess up the sounds of race vehicles with that stupid head banging noise called music ?

  3. oldschool camaro

    like mentioned i’m a big fan of the LOORRC series or “lucas oil off-road racing challenge” series and have one of their tracks close by to where i live which is glen helen . those pro2 or pro 4 trucks are very close to 1000hp and will spin those motors upwards of 8500rpm and the sound they make out of the mufflers is just pure awesomeness .my two favorite drivers are carl renezeder who runs a pro 2 or pro 4 and rodrigo ampudia who runs pro-lite ,pro 2 and pro 4

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