You can determine just how well this year is treating you, mainly because at this point any concept of a blanket statement is worthless. 2020 is one for the books…right up there with the Black Death years, 79 A.D. right about the time a hill in Italy exploded, and 1816, known as The Year Without A Summer, when cold, frosty temperatures persisted through the summer months. If you’ve been stuck at home for months on end, trying to keep your sanity together, the day that the restrictions are lifted is the day it’s time to celebrate. Break out the good stuff, wake up the neighbors, and get back to doing what you do, right?
Well…of course it’s a good thing. Right up until the moment you hear the co-driver announce that odd jog to the right after the jump about half a second way too late and the next thing anybody knows, you’re upside down with the leaves falling off of the tiny little tree that just kicked your race car’s ass. Then maybe you might be thinking that instead of coming to the race, that instead you should’ve stayed at home, sipping on something warm while enjoying the views off of your back porch.
Then again, a bad day racing beats the hell out of a good day in the office…