Coffee? Who needs coffee first thing in the morning when there are better things available to wake you up from a daze? You could jump into a stark-cold shower and suck the breath out of your body, but that isn’t any fun…it is suitable for your drunk friends though. No, if you want to wake up the best thing you can have is a loud noise that makes you look forward to the day, something that will get you on your feet and moving with a purpose. You need that little something extra…and we think we have it. If the sound of a screaming engine would be enough to get your eyes open, then the shriek of a blower is that something extra that makes the tips of the hairs on your neck tingle. Blower whine rules…it doesn’t even matter what it’s on. Got a Miata? That “whirr” just makes the upshifts that much more fun. Got a basic V6 sedan? It’s amazing how much nicer things are when the transmission downshifts to second and the blower comes alive and into it’s own. Got something as monstrous as the notorious “KILLA-B” Australian burnout contest Camaro? Then it’s the banshee scream to the demonic howl from the V8. Blower whine is like a good hot sauce…we like that s**t on everything!